For Athletes Who Love Sport, But Hate Injuries
Get Back To Pursuing Your Dream
Our Sports Rehabilitation Program Works By Reconditioning Your Body To Be Ready For The Demands Of Your Sport, Not Simply Getting You Out Of Pain. While Traditional Physiotherapy Models Focus On Rehabilitation, Ours Focusses On Reconditioning The Athlete To Perform Better Than They Were Prior To The Injury.
Traditional rehabilitation models focus on ‘fixing the injury’ back to the point it was prior being injured. This approach neglects the specific demands and stressors of the athlete’s sport relative to the injured area. While somewhat effective at restoring normal function and relieving pain to the specific injury, this approach does not take into account how the injury affects the rest of the body, or fully prepare the athlete to return to his or her sport.
Reconditioning is a performance model of repairing injuries which takes into account the athlete as a whole, including global movement patterns, psychosocial contributors to pain/dysfunction, the physiological demands of the athlete’s sport and the effect of reduced training load whilst the athlete is injured. Athlete reconditioning not only ‘fixes the injury’ but progressively prepares the athlete to return to play, performing better than they were prior to getting injured.